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Criminal Expungement and
Offender Registration Relief

Many of us have events in our backgrounds we would rather forget. When you have been arrested or convicted of a crime, it can be harmful to your credit, your job prospects, and your reputation. If you add a public registration offense, it only makes things worse.
The state allows for expungement of criminal arrest, diversion, and conviction from your record in many cases. It also allows for relief from offender registration for many violations, depending on the charge and circumstances. If you qualify for expungement on a Kansas case, I can handle the entire matter; or, if you prefer, I can help you generate the documents or check them for you at a lower rate. Simply submit an inquiry using the form below, check the expungement box, and I will send you a brief questionnaire. Then we can consult about the best approach to getting your record as clean as possible.
*Note that at this time, the firm does not handle most appellate actions or other post-conviction relief in criminal matters.

Located at 201 E Lincoln Street, Suite B, Lindsborg, KS 67456

(Mail to PO Box 166, Lindsborg, KS 67456)

call or click above to schedule in-person or video appointments

(785) 787 - 4040

Open by Appointment

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