Murphy's Law LLC - Melinda McElheny, Esq.
Plan for what could go wrong - Deal with what has.*
(785) 787-4040 (call or text)

Murphy's Law LLC
Melinda McElheny, Esquire
Practice Areas:
Legacy Planning, Trusts & Wills, Foreign Probate/Property
General Business & Non-Profit Law & Setup
Informal or Formal Dispute Mediation
Juvenile Defense & Child Abuse/Neglect/Kinship

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I do my best, but even as a trained attorney, I cannot possibly think of literally everything that could go wrong.
No one can predict the future. Anyone who tells you they can is a liar, not a lawyer.
But it is my job to try to think of the worst case scenario, and to tell you about it.
I believe this is why attorneys are so unpopular.